Stuttgart, 1.2.2017
Kommunikation für das PODIUM Festival 2017
Konzeption, Beratung und Betreuung zum Festival 2017
Historisches Momentum im Zeitgeist
»Historicist reductionism and abstract aestheticism are two sides of the same coin: a work is eternal not against its historical context, but through the way it answers the challenge of its historical moment. One needs to abstract from historical trivia, to decontextualize the work, to tear it out of the context in which it was originally embedded.“
Slavoj Žižek 2010, zit. James Little –
Philosophico-Musical Vision: Badiou, Žižek,
and Music (»2010«)
PODIUM Musikstiftung
Fotografie: Steffen Müller Fotografie
mit Marc Engenhart
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